Do you want to gain knowledge on unbundling or itemization? Continuous changes in the hearing industry require you to assess your business in a different way. Profitability is key, and the first step to making smart business decisions is understanding the value of your time and determining how to maximize profitability. This course is designed to support best practices steps and help you decide how to support a fee for service or an unbundled model. The choice is yours. We have made it easy to learn and provide the knowledge you need to feel confident about the health of your practice.


• Understand practice revenue goals and determine fees

• Determine your hourly break-even rate

• Support the practice’s profitability goals

• Determine what model is right for the practice

• Create options for patients who do not purchase from you

• Access expert advice on implementation

• Validate business decisions

This course is the Premium course

The premium package includes:

• Self-guided recorded courses

• Access to 6 months of email support

• 5 weekly, 30- minute consultation calls regarding implementation via Zoom

To learn more about the Standard package,
please visit the Unbundle Audiology course.

The standard package includes:

• Self-guided recorded courses

• Access to 6 months of email support

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to Unbundled Audiology

    • Your Why

    • Choose your delivery model

    • Hearing Aid Delivery Model Activity

  • 2

    Module 1: Calculating Your Hourly Rate

    • Calculating Your Hourly Rate - Breakeven Rate

    • Calculating Your Hourly Rate

    • Hourly Rate Calculation Formula

    • Calculating Provider Hours Per Year

    • Providers Hours Per Year Activity

    • Breakeven Formula

    • Breakeven Example sheet

    • Profit for the business

    • Profit for the business

  • 3

    Module 2: Calculating Cost per Service

    • Applying your hourly rate to your services

    • Apply Hourly Rate to Service

    • Calculating Hourly Rate to Services worksheet

    • Determining Time for Service

    • Determining Time for Service Worksheet

    • Bring it all together - Diagnostics

    • Putting it all together activity

    • TPAs

    • TPA worksheet

  • 4

    Module 3: Hearing Aid Retail Cost and Services

    • Hearing Aids

    • Hearing Aid Worksheet

    • Hearing Aid Cost

    • Hearing Aid Cost Worksheet

    • Ongoing Care and Maintenance

    • Ongoing Care and Maintenance Worksheet

    • Maintenance Appt for Hearing Aids

    • Maintenance for Hearing Aids Worksheet

    • Hearing Aid Repairs

    • Hearing Aid Repairs Activity

  • 5

    Module 4: Staff Considerations in an Unbundled Model

    • Front Office Staff

    • Front Office Staff Activity

    • Providers Charging for Services

    • Charging for Services Provider Activity

    • The 5 minute Huddle

    • The 5 Min Huddle Activity

    • Providers and your differentiator

    • Practice Differentiator Activity

    • Providers Sales Presentation

    • Sales Presentation Activity

  • 6

    Module 5: Mind the gap and FAQs

    • Patient Retention

    • Patient Retention Activity

    • New Patients

    • New Patient Activity

    • Converting Existing Patients

    • Existing Patient Activity

    • Insurance and Compliance

    • Insurance and Compliance

    • Help!

    • Help Activity


Information provided by The Unbundled Audiologist is for informational purposes only and is no substitute for obtaining professional accounting, legal, or financial advice. Presentation of the information is not intended to create any type of relationship with the user.

While reasonable efforts are used to furnish accurate information, we do not warrant that any information contained in or made available through The Unbundled Audiologist is accurate, complete, current, or error free. The information is provided on an “as is” basis, with all warranties of any kind being explicitly disclaimed. The Unbundled Audiologist shall not be liable for damages of any kind or nature associated with its use.